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Next five years, high-brightness LED market development unlimited

    LED market continues to evolve, lighting innovation. Strategies Unlimited Optoelectronics Division is responsible for the company who BobSteele in the "light strategy (Strategiesin Light)" conference speech, and high-brightness (HB: high-brightness) LED components market was predicted. In 2011, specifically, in the next five years, the backlight promising areas of the market, and more and more general lighting throughout the forecast to show strong growth momentum.
The forecast is for the package LED market. In general, BobSteele forecast in 2010, LED will surge 53% market share, to 82 billion U.S. dollars. By 2014, LED market compound annual growth rate (CAGR) will increase to 30.6%, reaching 20.2 billion.

     Bob Steele said that in 2009, Strategies Unlimited predicts that in 2009, LED 5% decline in the market. In 2009, LED auto market fell 18% intervals.

For other applications, since the LED package sales growth, therefore, general lighting market segments driving the market growth of 24%. Mobile device sales rose 2.8% to promote the LED, and the mobile device is the largest high-brightness LED applications.

    In terms of actual use on the LED, as TV manufacturers mainly in the power LED, therefore, the power LED's sales soared 152%. Bob Steele said earlier, auto manufacturers have been using the power LED.

    Looking ahead, Bob Steele predicted, LED backlighting will continue in large numbers. He pointed out that some analysts expected in 2010, LED backlit TV shipments will reach 39 million units. And potential bottlenecks, both LED-backlit TV LED market premium and potential supply shortages, therefore, the prospects for development is still quite large.


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